A friend of mine is a jeweller. He specialises in selling unique and beautiful antique jewellery. During the last recession, he told me:
"Erica, both of us are in the luxury business. When things get difficult, no one buys jewellery or training programmes; they focus on keeping the lights on and paying the wage bill."
Let's imagine your organisation is in the midst of turbulence, a tricky market or a contraction in turnover.
In this environment, the sensible thing to do is to batten the hatches. Cut costs as much as possible, and force the justification of every invoice and every spend.
To my friend’s point, there doesn't seem to be the space or the budget to invest in further training for staff when we don't know what the organisation will look and feel like in the new world, and we aren't even sure which team will still be in place if a transformation or re-organisation is on the cards.
I can completely understand that. You might feel reticent to say,
"This is the time to invest in training our coaches".
This message can feel awkward and out of touch with the current reality.
What if we say that by investing in your coaching education, you could make a strategic intervention that could save the organisation millions?
What if we say, that by moving closer to your key talent and understanding their aspirations, you’re less likely to be hit with the business strategy disaster that is an unexpected resignation?
What if we take time to ensure that everyone is performing to the highest level in work that suits who they are and allows them to be at their best?
What bottom line benefits and competitive edge might come from promoting the existence of an in-house career team?
What if investing in building capability was a true win/win?
Would that be of interest? If so, read on!
When we think about business transformation and redesign, we have a sense of lots of moving parts.
Divisions and departments might be reshuffled; teams might be disbanded and created. Each individual in your organisation is going to feel the impact. They will be thinking about their career. They will wonder if there is a place for them in the future and may be distracted and demoralised by the uncertainty triggered by the change process.
As coaches and facilitators, we want to ensure that each person can make the right career decision for them and their future whilst also ensuring the organisation retains the right talent to keep doing great work.
Once the dust has settled, you will still need strong talent to participate in the new world and rebuild better.
Career coaching helps ensure you have energised and committed people who see themselves playing a key part in the businesses future.
To help your talent move swiftly through the change curve, it is essential that they feel supported by quality career development conversations that set out a pathway for their growth and lines up with your future aspirations.
This is where expert career coaching can help.
Building the capability of your coaches to help people reflect on their careers and devise career plans is not a luxury item. It is a practical necessity.
Career coaching is a crucial engagement tool, engendering loyalty and participation at all organisational levels.
Career coaching can help employees make the right choice navigating the change and the new opportunities more skilfully.
Depending on your agenda, in-house career coaching can help to:
A number of our clients have seen investment in our career coaching qualification as a critical pillar in their people strategy and essential to the success of their transformation process.
Can we add a quote in here from Aneta and from Savills about why they built out their career coaching team?
During change, individuals must continue to feel invested in.
They must have a place to voice their fears and concerns and connect with a sounding board to make the right choice for them and their families.
In-house capacity building can deliver the people aspect of transformation in a powerful and impactful way.
So, if you would like to make a business case for further career coaching education for your coaching pool but are feeling shy about requesting funds in an austere time, here are some key 'lines to take'.
✔ There is a budget set aside to ensure a successful transformation. Career coaching is integral to the strategy for achieving this transformation.
✔ It is fundamental to our post-transformation success that the right talent is retained. We must prevent brain drain. Career coaching will help us do that by keeping our best people engaged.
✔ Offering in-house coaching support will drive better employee engagement, raise our level of loyalty and performance and enhance our employer brand. It is a way for us to stay close to our key talent and enhance our succession planning.
✔ In an environment where people feel disempowered because they are not in control of the pace of change, career coaching keeps them energised and empowered. This reduces the risk of burnout, sickness absence and unplanned departures. It's a cost-effective way to reduce the expense of finding, recruiting, inducting and training new people.
✔ Change is inevitable, and the pace of it is speeding up across all sectors. In a volatile environment, leading through change requires keeping our people close and bringing them along with us.
✔ Strategically deploying personalised attention can inspire the best talent to work in the public, private, and non-profit sectors.
Our ICF approved career coaching accreditation equips internal coaches to manage and maximise the impact of these career development conversations during career transition, market volatility and times of change.
Our ICF-accredited coaching programmes are intimately designed for 6-8 participants so that everybody can receive personalised attention and quickly master the practical tools of the unique Career Equation approach.
Want to find out more?
Click here to learn more and download the programme's outline.
EricaSosna Ltd
MJF Accountancy Ltd, 47 Booker Avenue, Liverpool, L18 4QZ
Company Number: 08665931;
VAT Number: 232324153.
Struggling to retain and engage your best people? Book a free discovery call with our expert Career Equation retention coaches.